Monday, December 19, 2005

“How do you pick up the Blessed Mother and smash her on the ground?”

A nativity scene in Londonderry, New Hampshire, is destroyed. (HT: Wizbang!)
Of the seven toppled figures standing outside, nearly all were damaged. One wise man seemingly mourns over the loss of the left side of his body, his arm laying in the snow in front of him. Another wise man has been broken almost in half. Mary’s missing her head and Joseph is missing the lower part of his body, Farrell said. The shepherd and the sheep were unharmed, as was the crib.

Baby Jesus, however, was safe inside waiting for his time to join the other figures. “We keep baby Jesus inside until Christmas day,” John Farrell said.

Is the nativity destruction part of this?


  1. It seems to me that the incident in Londonderry is the action of one person. While it may represent one individual's war on Christmas, I wouldn't want to universalize it.

    Have a wonderful and holy Christmas.

    Mark Daniels

  2. In Cincinnati, baby Jesus was taken from a nativity scene. A 12yr.old girl donated her baby Jesus that she always put in her room at Christmas time. This past weekend that baby Jesus was also taken. How sad to know there are people out there who just don't care.
    Blessings to all and Merry Christmas.

  3. Mark: My question is meant to be tongue-in-cheek. I think the whole "war on Christmas" argument is a bit blown over. The only way I would think a "war" is on would be if the government was coming into churches and banning Christmas services, and some such thing. I'm quite sure it is only the act of one (or a few) persons, and not indicative of the country as a whole.
