Saturday, July 22, 2006

this is news???

MSNBC has decided that former VP Dan Quayle walking out of a John Mellencamp concert because he didn't like what he heard is worthy of attention. See?

Isn't this kind of behavior exactly what people who are against censorship want to see? A person who doesn't like what he's hearing is exercising his right not to listen to it anymore. He's not pushing legislation to ban this kind of talk. He isn't standing up and shouting, "Shut up! You can't talk like that about the president!" He isn't attempting to get the speaker arrested. He isn't calling radio stations to ban all Mellencamp music.

No, Quayle was simply exercising his right to leave after he found something to be offensive. And for that, MSNBC thinks you should know all about it.


  1. You are confusing me with the template changes. I keep think I've come to the wrong address. Actually, I like the look.

    I feel bad for Dan Quayle. Talk about a politician who got toasted by the establishment. Sheesh.

  2. Pastor Brad: Haven't you heard, it's a blogger's prerogative to change his mind about his template? I'm just freely exercising that... Seriously, though, I think I've settled on one I'll keep for a while. I really like it.
