Wednesday, April 18, 2007

give 'til it hurts

So I was wandering around TV land the other day, punching random numbers on the remote control.

Cartoon Network.
Weather Channel.

Suddenly, I found myself sucked into the vortex that is Trinity Broadcasting Network. Yes, it is the channel of the lady with the fake pink hair. It appears to be "Sharathon" time for TBN again, which means that you will be urged to call in (on an un-tollfree line) and "pledge" an amount that you will give to the network. I crossed paths with TBN in the evening hours, so I got to see some guy with perfect hair and gleaming white teeth talk about how God has to "bless" all the people who send in their "seed money." (Don't bother giving money to your local church - God wants you to send it directly to TBN). There were probably 30 people on the stage with him, all dressed impeccably. They all acted as if they believed what the man in the nice suit was saying: give your money to God (or TBN, which is the same thing), and He will give back to you - even more.

And I got to thinking: if all 3o of those people gave money to TBN, wouldn't God then give more money to them? And couldn't they in turn give all that money back to TBN, and then God would give them more? Why, these 30 people could fund TBN by themselves for years to come. What do they need my money for?


  1. It would be funny if it weren't so wicked. I worked as a Bank teller to get through seminary, and we actually had a lady borrow against her home to give to a ministry because it was "a sure investment." She was told that if she did this, all her debt would be gone in one year.

  2. I agree whole-heartedly...and what's with the pink hair anyway. The women is in her 60's, it's time to go natural.

  3. TBN proves one of the primary truths of life: Much of Christian mission today is repairing the bad reputation given to God by people claiming to be Christians.

    Mark Daniels
