Thursday, April 26, 2007

They found the plane. There were no survivors. They were all dead.

So many intriguing tidbits with "D.O.C.", don't you think?

  1. It's always good to see a Sun & Jin flashback. To me, theirs and Hurley's are the most interesting stories. Nice to see Sun's underlord father as well - will he show up on the island? I'm betting he's connected to Locke's daddy somehow.
  2. The parachutist was on for a full episode, and we still don't know who she is, what she's doing, and how she managed to eject from a helicopter.
  3. The producers have said in the past that the Lostaways aren't in purgatory. So what is going on? What did the parachutist mean that there were no survivors of the Oceanic 815? If there were no survivors, who are the Lostaways?
  4. Sun knows that her baby is Jin's, but her time on the island appears limited. Will Juliet find a way to help her?
  5. Mikhail survived breaking through the sonic barrier the Others used to keep themselves secure. Since Mikhail was able to break it and live, why did it seem to stop Ole Smokey in its tracks?
  6. Why did Jack have no issue with keeping the story of the problematic pregnant Other women from Sun? Is it significant that he didn't immediately tell Juliet about Sun's pregnancy?
  7. What's the significance of Juliet telling Ben, "I hate you?" She's working for him but isn't -with- him.


  1. I say Juliette isn't with Ben...I think she thinks she's playing him.

  2. I think Jack is playing them both, and I also wondered about how one can safely "eject" from a helicopter.

    Maybe the plane wreckage story was a "cover-up" from whomever knows about the island.

  3. If there were no survivors where did walt and michael go?
