Friday, August 10, 2007

the Demo-Kos-ic party

I've been perusing Ann Althouse's blog since I've returned from my little hiatus, and I realized I had missed the whole Yearly Kos thing while I was sunning myself in Florida. In one of her posts, she mentioned some statements made by the Yearly Kos founder himself during a speech (which you can find if you follow the links):
Just a year ago, we were a freakish curiosity.

I stood before you at the first YearlyKos conference and declared that we “had arrived”.

People snickered and mocked me. Those reporters at the back of the room. They were laughing at me. They were laughing at us.

But then Ned Lamont kicked Joe Lieberman out of the Democratic Party.

I had a couple thoughts:

(1.) Why is Kos so jubilant that someone has been "kicked out" of the Democratic Party? Doesn't he care about attracting people to the party, and keeping people in the party who seem on the cusp of disappearing? I don't think the Donkeys can afford to rid themselves of people during this critical time, even those who don't perfectly line themselves up with the ideals of certain liberal/progressive blogs.

(2.) Kos should really ask Ned Lamont if he thinks he did a lot of good (especially for himself) by getting Lieberman "kicked out." I don't believe that anyone is going around calling Lamont "Senator" like they are Lieberman.

Speaking of Ned Lamont, he doesn't want to fade into the sunset. See?

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