Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 resolutions

Do you have any? My perennial resolution is to lose weight, but people who know me realize that it's a tough one. I've added a new one, though - I resolve to improve my writing skills. Not just here on the blog, but every time I write. I do a lot of writing in my work, more than what most people would think. I don't mean typing - I mean actual writing, with a pen and paper and everything. I also resolve to read more books than I did last year, but I don't know if I'll read this many.

If I'm truly going to improve my writing, I'll have to stay away from these words.

1 comment:

  1. My goal is to write more, and do more to market my writings.

    As for reading, I can claim 40 books. Don't know if I can ever reach 100. Perhaps if I wrote less and read more...?? Or perhaps I should quit my job? Hmmm.

