Friday, March 21, 2008

accent beats hat

In the battle of the information blogs, it seems Arianna Huffington has beaten Matt Drudge.
According to data from Nielsen Online, for example, the Huffington Post’s traffic–as measured by monthly unique visitors in the U.S., at home and work–has more than tripled since February of 2007, when it had about 1.1 million unique visitors; by February of 2008, unique visitors had risen to 3.7 million. In that same month, the Drudge Report had 3.4 million (it had 2.75 million in February of 2007).
Arianna has a lot of help from guest bloggers who provide color commentary on the news. Drudge's site is just filled with links and no direct commentary. I'm sure this is happening because it's a presidential election year, so it will be interesting to see if it keep up this year and what happens in 2009.

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