Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Look at me! I'm blogging!

Some people blog purely to get attention. Can you believe it? I mean, seriously...

Right now I'm watching The Young and The Restless on the the Soap channel. I guess I started watching it way back in high school, because my mother watched it. She watched most of the ones on CBS - Y&R, The Bold and the Beautiful, and As The World Turns. She used to watch Guiding Light, but I don't think she does much these days.

So back to Y&R. Of all the characters I find downright frustrating (paging Brad, the houseboy-turned-executive...), I would have to say Nikki is probably the biggest one. I mean, what is she thinking? She only agreed to elope with David Chow because she learned that her former husband Victor, to whom she's been married at least twice and their love affair is one of the most famous in soapdom, has recently become engaged to Sabrina, a French woman at least one-third his age. He's displaying classic signs of using (his drug of choice is anything he can place a bet on), but she's completely ignoring it. She didn't even have him sign a pre-nup, that's to prove how trusting she is of him. The woman has been through a lot, even for a soap opera character. She should really know better.

Anyway, I thought I'd write that just to put down something random. After all, I haven't blogged for a couple days and I can't just put up a link to something else, you know?


  1. I can't believe your still watching the SOAPS! What an absolute waste of time...I'd rather read. PCSis

  2. Now that I'm a SAHM I find myself watching Days of Our Lives on NBC and my fave, Guiding Light on CBS which also dates back to my mother and I watching it when I would get home from AM Kindergarten...considering her comment above, I wonder if she remembers?

  3. Leah, I do remember that...but I've outgrown them now. I lost track many years ago, when I began working full-time. However, I have watched off and on throughout the years just to see what may be happening. A lot of the same old, same old and it just doesn't interest me anymore. PCSis

  4. Now, Brenda... reading a book doesn't make you a saint any more than watching a soap a couple hours a week damns me to hell. ;)

    I was a rabid fan of GL back in high school, but lost interest soon after. There was a large contingent of men at Cedarville (especially ones who lived in the Hill) who watchede Y&R.
