Thursday, March 9, 2006

Remember: he's a uniter, not a divider

Blame games never end, do they?
President Bush, on a Gulf Coast inspection tour that included his first visit to this city's storm-shattered Lower Ninth Ward, bluntly accused Congress on Wednesday of underfunding the repairs and called for speedy action to make good on federal commitments.

The president said Congress has been slow to provide funding to rebuild housing destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and, while pledging to make New Orleans's levees "equal or better than they were before" the storm, attacked a congressional decision last year to redirect $1.5 billion from his request to repair the region's flood-protection system to projects in other storm-affected states. (WaPo)

Yes, Mr. President, this is the way to woo Congress with those votes that you desperately need for that ill-conceived idea of handing over control of some ports to the United Arab Emirates. This is just the thing to get those pesky senators and representatives to say, Wow, we should help him out more often.

The president has been a uniter in this, though - the Republicans have united against him. I don't think that's quite what he wanted.

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