Saturday, June 10, 2006

Blogging "for God" in Indiana

Christian bloggers from the great state of Indiana get a mention in today's edition of the Indy Star, which you can peruse here. One of those interviewed for the article is John Hays, senior pastor of West Morris Street Free Methodist Church - his blog is called Bike Hiker, and it's linked to the right over there under the heading Indiana Bloggers.

Neil Cox of Indy Christian (check for the link on the right!) was also interviewed for the article. He gave five reasons to "blog for God."
  1. Everyone else is doing it.
  2. My pastor mentioned the 'B-word' from the pulpit.
  3. Marketing professionals are recommending that CEOs should blog.
  4. Anti-abortion bloggers now are a well-networked and powerful group.
  5. Urban pastors are suddenly empowered if they can quickly and easily put up a Web site.

For you Christians out there that stop by here, I'll let you think about what's missing from Neil's list and give an opportunity to add your own in the comments. If you are of another religion and you blog, feel free to leave a comment as well.

Okay, I'll just say it: anyone can leave a comment. However, I'm especially interested in hearing from Christians on what they think this list leaves out.


  1. #1 should have been; to share who Jesus Christ is. General blogging is good,informative and generates discussion, but if your a Christian I should think that blogging is a perfect opportunity for spreading the gospel.

  2. Mrs. C (my wonderful sister, whom I really don't tell enough that I love): You've hit it exactly. I was very disappointed to see that Neil didn't put this on the top of his list: blogging as an opportunity to share and discuss the Gospel of Christ. That doesn't mean that every post needs to have the headline "this is what it means to be saved" or something similar; goodness knows you won't find that in every heading here. But, every post should honor and please God in some way.

  3. I think that Christian Blogging should primarily be a place to "hash" out different beliefs. It should be a place of "iron sharpening iron" if you well not necessarily evangelistic.

    I would say that the primary time it might be evangelistic is if you have regular contact with someone, that is physical contact, and you tell them about your blog and it furthers your witness so to speak. That would make sense to me. I don't know that too many people who aren't christians actively seek christian blogs.

  4. Glad to see your post and the feedback here. It's right on the mark, given what you read in the Indy Star. But take heart, they only excerpted 5 of the 50 Reasons to Blog from the article I wrote online two years ago. You can read the rest at my personal site... In fact, better yet than reading the answers in the article, just review my blog and it'll become obvious quickly why I blog.

  5. Neil: Thanks for stopping by! I did indeed read your 50 Reasons. The article seemed to indicate that you had written only 5 reasons, so I was glad to see there was so much more.

  6. As much as i love Indy, we're not the most eclectic city as far as thinkers go (or anything, though we are getting there). Sure, Vonnegut lived here once...and there's wait...well anyway. Blogging presents an opportunity to be encouraged by the suddenly obvious unity within the Spirit.

    I really love finding people's blogs and then seeing them at Church. I'm not sure it's so great i didn't know they had a blog in the first place, but hey, whatever works.
