Thursday, April 12, 2007

Can the Democratic Party truly understand Christians?

Not if the chairman of their party expresses ignorance about what Easter really means.


  1. Dean and the DNC said this about Easter:

    "Easter Sunday is a joyful celebration. The holiday represents peace, redemption and renewal, a theme which brings hope to people of all faiths."

    That's offensive somehow? Seriously?

    Sure, it's incomplete. So is saying that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected.

    That's incomplete too. He was executed because he came into Jerusalem and started talking trash to religious leaders who were too hung up on legalistic interpretations of scripture and not paying enough attention to the very basics: 1) Love God; and 2) Be good to your neighbors.

    Oh, and the early Christian church organized their Easter celebration in order to co-opt the fertility cults in and around the Roman Empire.

    I'm not sure what the best level of detail is. But I don't agree with the notion that this DNC press release serves as evidence that "Democrats don't get Christians."

  2. Doug,

    Easter is about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. You know that, right? Saying that failing to mention the resurrection on a blurb about Easter is "incomplete" is like saying chocolate cake is missing a little something if you leave off the chocolate. This pathetic, watered down statement could be said about any holiday in which that wanted to make a fuzzy platitude. It doesn't mention Jesus, the resurrection, or sin.

    And by the way, Jesus Christ did not "talk trash" to the religious leaders. He talked truth leading up to His arrest, and after that, He said almost nothing.

    One more thing before I go. I've often heard it batted around that the Christians set up Easter to "co-opt" a pagan holiday. I don't think so. When they argued over setting the date for celebrating the Resurrection, I've never heard a mention of which pagan holiday they were trying to steal. Rather, they were trying to figure the date close to the calculation of the Passover, some wanting it to be on the 14th of Nisan according to the Jewish calendar.

    So is this DNC statement offensive? Yes, but not just because of content. It offends me because it demonstrates a lack of fortitude in openly admitting why we celebrate Easter in the first place, and because it feels like they're trying to toss a bone out so maybe a Christian will consider voting for them.

  3. Thanks for your comments, Doug. They are welcome as always. I've been away from a computer for a bit, so that's why I'm late giving a response to you. However, I don't think I need to since Sojourner has given one with which I whole-heartedly agree.

    Brad - great to hear from you again, and your comments are just as welcome as Doug's. To your statement I would add this: Easter is what distinguishes Christianity from other religions. We can have a relationship with God because of Christ's work on the cross. Giving all your money to the poor, or taking a dip in the Ganges River, or praying towards Mecca three times a day isn't enough to become righteous in God's sight. In fact, there's nothing that you can do on your own that will give you a right relationship with God. It is only Christ's work on the cross, and through the power of His resurrection (which is why Easter is so important to Chirstians), that enables you to come before God and be clean in His sight.

    Let me say this as well: of course, I believe that there are Democrats out there who are Christians. Former Ohio representative Tony Hall is one who comes immediately to mind. Since 1998, I have been a member of the Democratic party. It's just disheartening to hear that the chairman of my political party doesn't seem to understand the fundamental ideas about Easter.
