Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Have you been to one of the top 100 highest grossing independent restaurants?
Don't think that being near the top is all that great. You may be #2, but you'll still end up in bankruptcy.
I'll be heading to Baltimore in a few weeks, so maybe I'll check out #52.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Ricky Martin "officially" came out
Monday, March 29, 2010
Do the Butler Bulldogs compare to the "Hoosiers" team?
See the comparisons?Butler University Police Chief Benjamin Hunter described the increasing interest in the Northside campus via Twitter this morning: "Looking forward to a busy week at Butler. Never seen so much media on campus. Go Dawgs!"
Why is Butler a darling of the press? The small private school is making its first appearance in the Final Four and is the first school since UCLA in 1972 to be playing in the Final Four in its hometown.
But there's more: the players are bracing themselves for a week full of "Hoosiers" references. They are piling up.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Separating the geeks from the dweebs from the nerds
Friday, March 26, 2010
Have you noticed the declining state of males?
A gathering of academicians drawn from a range of disciplines will meet on April 7, 2010, at Wagner College, Staten Island, New York, to examine the declining state of the male, stemming from cataclysmic changes in today’s culture, environment and global economy. The live teleconferenced colloquium will be chaired by Lionel Tiger, PhD, Rutgers University Charles Darwin Professor of Anthropology. It will encompass a broad range of topics relevant to the study of boys and men in contemporary society ranging from their roles in the family and workforce, as well as their physical and emotional health, to the growing problem of misandry—the hatred of males, an unacknowledged but underlying socio-cultural, economic, political and legal phenomenon endangering the well-being of both genders.
The goal of the April colloquium is to consider the nature and structure of male studies programs designed for institutions of higher education. It follows on the current experience of the On Step Institute (OSI), which supports graduate fellowships at New York University’s Steinhardt School of Education, Culture and Human Development. It will seek to generate a cross-disciplinary community of scholars in male studies and establish a series of networks enabling scholars to become acquainted with each other’s work. The Chair of OSI, Edward Stephens, MD, who has organized the consortium, finds that while a handful of schools now sporadically offer courses dealing with males in traditionally unrelated departments – for example, literature, history, anthropology, psychology and sociology – the courses are unequal to providing effective insight into the immense problems confronting males in the 21st century which requires an integrated approach incorporating a multiplicity of academic disciplines.
Don't you feel better about a gathering of academicians drawn from a range of disciplines coming together to save the males? Man, I sure do.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Was Stupak stupid?
So if the executive order is essentially meaningless, was Stupak stupid to give his vote for it? It would appear so, as he's not getting the love he seemed destined to get.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
"Dad, the unfinished business is done."
When a son leaves a note - to tell his deceased father about what has transpired in the world since he expired, or whatever - no one would seriously suggest that the corpse could rise to read it. The son leaves the note for others to see. Would the son have left the note if the father was buried in some obscure place, instead of one of the most visited graveyards in the world?
India has a fiery new weapon
After conducting tests, the military has decided to use the thumb-sized "bhut jolokia," or "ghost chili," to make tear gas-like hand grenades to immobilize suspects, defense officials said Tuesday.Could your chili be classified as a lethal weapon?The bhut jolokia was accepted by Guinness World Records in 2007 as the world's spiciest chili. It is grown and eaten in India's northeast for its taste, as a cure for stomach troubles and a way to fight the crippling summer heat.
It has more than 1,000,000 Scoville units, the scientific measurement of a chili's spiciness. Classic Tabasco sauce ranges from 2,500 to 5,000 Scoville units, while jalapeno peppers measure anywhere from 2,500 to 8,000.
"The chili grenade has been found fit for use after trials in Indian defense laboratories, a fact confirmed by scientists at the Defense Research and Development Organization," Col. R. Kalia, a defense spokesman in the northeastern state of Assam, told The Associated Press.
"This is definitely going to be an effective nontoxic weapon because its pungent smell can choke terrorists and force them out of their hide-outs," R. B. Srivastava, the director of the Life Sciences Department at the New Delhi headquarters of the DRDO said.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
"The real winner is the American people."
Passage of the legislation seemed assured when Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan announced that he will vote in favor of the health care overhaul, citing confidence that an executive order signed by the president will prevent federal funds from being used for abortion coverage.
Here is Obama's executive order that assured the votes of the pro-life Democrats.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Georgetown out!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
What's with the Huffington Post featuring this picture of Obama and Pelosi?

It looks as if the President of the United States is about to take a bite out of the forehead of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. I think we can safely presume that most of the HuffPo articles lean towards the left. Is this the image they want to present?
Top 100 Church Blogs, with bonuses
There are hundreds of great church blogs and ministry blogs to read, but do you ever wonder which church blogs everyone else is reading?
I do, which is why I have compiled a list of the world’s top church blogs.
Some focus exclusively on ministry, while others are more like theology blogs. Regardless of how you label them, these are the world’s most popular church blogs written by many of today’s most influential church leaders, theologians, and Christ followers.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
President Obama sent me a letter!
I wanted to take a moment to thank you directly for the outstanding work you've been doing as part of Organizing for America's Final March for Reform.Why, thank you! It's nice to be noticed. Although I don't remember doing anything to directly help you with this. But still, the notice is nice. And this is the Final March for Reform? We won't be having anymore, ever?
I can tell you that your voice is heard in Washington every day.Really? Who all is hearing my voice? Besides you, that is?
I see how your efforts are moving us toward victory.I haven't been to Washington since December 2004. You weren't even in the Senate yet. How could you have seen me?
Raise your voice today.Would it help if I stepped outside before I started raising my voice? To improve the hearing of my voice?
We must all speak out together to finish the job.Wait just a minute here, Barack. You're writing a personal letter to me, and now you're talking about how we must all speak together...? Who is this we? Umm... Are you sending email to other people, too?
Oh. I guess you are. I'm not so special after all.
Win the Best Actress Oscar, divorce your husband
a history of CCEF
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

It's a good day to wear green if you're going to celebrate the most recognized Irish saint. Or you could opt to wear orange.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
"You know we're talking 'bout the doctor! Doctor!"
Good night, Mr. Phelps
I was a sophomore in college in February 1991, and a part of the college concert chorale, which toured for four days every year. On that particular year we sang in a few churches around Washington, D.C. We were fortunate enough to savour a few Saturday morning hours by wandering around the Mall. After walking by the Lincoln Memorial towards the Korean War Veterans Memorial, I passed by a particularly gloomy group. They were led by Peter Graves, whom I immediately recognized. I was feeling rather plucky, so I approached him and asked, "Sir, are you who I think you are?" He responded with a whispery, "I suppose so," and walked on. A woman, whom I could only assume was his wife, gave me the dirtiest of looks. I didn't care. I had spoken to Captain Clarence Oveur, and he spoke to me.Graves died of an apparent heart attack outside his Los Angeles home, publicist Sandy Brokaw said. He would have been 84 this week.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Listen up, zebras! You try to escape, and you die!
America shuddered at a block of uninterrupted text
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Google vs. Bing
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Sandra Bullock was last year's best and worst
before she was the best...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Michael Spencer
It is with a heavy heart that I bring my latest update on Michael. We have learned that his cancer is too advanced and too aggressive to expect any sort of remission. Our oncologist estimates that with continued treatment Michael most likely has somewhere between six months and a year to live. This is not really a surprise to us, though it is certainly horrible news. From the very beginning, both of us have suspected that this would prove to be an extremely bad situation. I don’t know why; perhaps God was preparing us for the worst all along by giving us that intuition.
The combination of the cancer and the chemotherapy is keeping Michael in a very weakened state. He is in bed all day, getting up once or twice only to eat a “meal.” His meals consist mostly of Ensure, with occasional mugs of soup, dishes of ice cream and milkshakes. He’s still taking fluids well, currently preferring Sprite and ginger ale. His tastes do change slightly from time to time, and I try to be ready to jump in whatever direction they seem to be moving. He is in no pain at all, for which I am unspeakably grateful.
Michael went through a period of depression, as I’m sure you would expect. He seems to have come through that now, for the most part. He knows he is dying, and he says he is at peace. Though he will still say with unashamed honesty, “I don’t want it to all be over at age 53!” he has the confidence of knowing that he has run the race God set out for him. He believes he has done the work our Lord intended for him to do, and if the last task God has for him in this life is dying, then he will do that to the best of his ability.
Monday, March 8, 2010
"By the way, what the heck is he doing in the congressional gym? He goes there to intimidate members of Congress."
Saturday, March 6, 2010
82nd Academy Awards

- District 9 (Picture, Film Editing, Visual Effects, Adapted Screenplay)
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Cinematography)
- The Hurt Locker (Picture, Director, Actor, Cinematography, Film Editing, Original Score, Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, Original Screenplay)
- Inglorious Basterds (Picture, Director, Supporting Actor, Cinematography, Film Editing, Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, Original Screenplay)
- Julie & Julia (Actress)
- The Princess and The Frog (Animated Picture, Original Song)
- Star Trek (Makeup, Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, Visual Effects)
- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Sound Mixing)
- Up (Picture, Animated Picture, Original Score, Sound Editing, Original Screenplay)
Friday, March 5, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
We're all going to age faster
The massive 8.8 earthquake that struck Chile may have changed the entire Earth's rotation and shortened the length of days on our planet, a NASA scientist said Monday.
The quake, the seventh strongest earthquake in recorded history, hit Chile Saturday and should have shortened the length of an Earth day by 1.26 milliseconds, according to research scientist Richard Gross at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
"Perhaps more impressive is how much the quake shifted Earth's axis," NASA officials said in a Monday update.
The computer model used by Gross and his colleagues to determine the effects of the Chile earthquake effect also found that it should have moved Earth's figure axis by about 3 inches (8 cm or 27 milliarcseconds).
Monday, March 1, 2010
to sleep, perchance to dream of the white bear
My insomnia always begins with me falling asleep. I’ve been reading the same paragraph for the last five minutes — the text is suddenly impossibly dense — and I can feel the book getting heavier and heavier in my hands. Gravity is tugging on my eyelids.
And then, just as my mind turns itself off, I twitch awake. I’m filled with disappointment. I was so close to a night of sweet nothingness, but now I’m back, eyes wide open in the dark. I dread the hours of boredom; I’m already worried about the tiredness of tomorrow.
You can find more from Jonah at his blog The Frontal Cortex.
"That investigation is now concluded and no criminality has been found."
Brooklyn prosecutors on Monday cleared ACORN of criminal wrongdoing after a four-month probe that began when undercover conservative activists filmed workers giving what appeared to be illegal advice on how to hide money.I wonder what Rush and Hannity will say about this.While the video by James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles seemed to show three ACORN workers advising a prostitute how to hide ill-gotten gains, the unedited version was not as clear, according to a law enforcement source.
"They edited the tape to meet their agenda," said the source.